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Typography Poster

Artist Statement

The reasoning behind all of the choices I made while creating this poster stem from my sentimental attachment to the quote itself. This was something my best friend Riley said when we were talking about the 27 Club and we all thought it was kind of a funny thing to say. My friend group is very into music and music history so I felt that using a quote that is both sentimental to my friend group and also representative of something that we as a group are interested in, would make this poster more valuable to me and less of "just another project". As far as the colors and fonts go, I chose the color purple as an accent simply because it's my favorite color and I wanted to find some way to incorporate it into my poster. I also only put it on the parts of the quote that I felt needed to be emphasized. Under the quote I chose the white background because I wanted to see a heavy contrast between the background and the letters so that, once again, the emphasis would become more obvious to the reader. Though I would have liked to have a little more color on my poster, I decided against it because my letters were mostly composed from a very thin font. If I could have done anything differently, it would have been to add in more diverse fonts so I could play around with more colors. 

Screenshot 2019-01-24 at 3.17.29 PM.png
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