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Book Cover

Artist Statement

I chose the book the lord of the flies because its a classic that everyone is familiar with and it has a very dark theme to it so i felt it would be easy to capture that energy since its so heavily portrayed in the book. I chose to make the pig the center piece of the cover because it seems like that is the part of the book that no one forgets. it was one of the more gruesome parts of the tale that really sticks with the reader so i figured drawing attention to it on the cover would be a smart move. AS for the color scheme, i used more earthy tones so as to bring a "jungle like" vibe to the cover. IN this project i think the biggest struggle that i had was trying to find a good balance of foreground and background. the pig head is fairly detailed and i couldn't decide if i wanted to keep the detail running throughout the cover or if i wanted to have a more simplistic contrast. in the end i obviously chose the simplistic option and just drew a couple vines swinging overhead. overall i really enjoyed this project but it was definitely one of the more stressful ones. 

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